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If you do not want to use the Oracle JRE we recommend using Amazon Coretto.

Addoro Local 3.1.0 and later can download and install Corretto for you. It is also the default selection. If you have a license for the Oracle JRE you have the option to install and use that instead.

If a valid JRE is detected as already installed by the Addoro Local installer, that one will be used and no additional JRE will be installed. So if you want to use another JRE besides Oracle or Corretto (like OpenJDK, Azul..) you can install and configure it manually before installing Addoro Local and that JRE will be used.


Current stable version

Addoro Local 3.1.2
Installation and configuration instructions


Older versions

Addoro Local 3.1.1
Installation and configuration instructions

Addoro Local 3.1.0
Installation and configuration instructions

Addoro Local 3.0.8
Installation and configuration instructions